A Magyar Szabadság Éve

Mária Wittner

freedom fighter

Politician, she was born in 1937.  She took part in the revolution when she was nineteen. She joined it on the first day, at the siege of the Hungarian Radio headquarters. Then on October 24th she joined the Corvin alley group where she took care of the wounded. Later she joined another insurgent / resistance fighter group in Vajdahunyad street. She also took part in the armed fights. She was wounded in the fights on November 4th and was taken to hospital. Subsequently she went to Austria but returned home a few weeks later and started work as an unskilled worker. She was arrested in 1957 and was sentenced to death, which was later commuted to life imprisonment. She was released in 1970 with the last revolutionaries/ freedom fighters. She worked as a seamstress and a charwoman and from 1980 she received disability pension. After the regime change she played an active role in several organisations related to 1956. She became the member of parliament for Fidesz from 2006 to 2014. She is the patron of the Memorial Year for 1956.
